Difference of using Web 1 with Web 2 inDifference of using Web 1 with Web 2 in searching peo

Released on: June 26, 2008, 6:42 pm

Press Release Author: addresses.com

Industry: Human Resources

Press Release Summary: Web 1.0 was originally created to associate information. This
association of information often sums up as a description of a specific person. And
so it has been used in people searches. But with the development of Web 2.0 we could
get connected at once to the person of our interest as according to Mills Davis from
Project10 it is made to connect people. Web 2.0 is also known as "social network".

Press Release Body: Web 1.0 was originally created to associate information. This
association of information often sums up as a description of a specific person. And
so it has been used in people searches. But with the development of Web 2.0 we could
get connected at once to the person of our interest as according to Mills Davis from
Project10 it is made to connect people. Web 2.0 is also known as "social network".

Lost touch of a person you care much about? Or wanting to stay out of touch from
someone who has hurt you deeply? I am sure you are dying to know where they are now.
You can now easily get updates of an estranged family member, a former love
interest, childhood pals, and a new officemate at a onetime Internet caf� visit.
People Search engines checks the whole World Wide Web for you. Everyone who visits
the Web leaves a mark somehow. Anyone can now publish about themselves and anything
on their mind through blogs. Online news collectors will not want to miss any big
celebrations or major catastrophes and if someone you know gets involved in any of
these his name will appear in the articles. Almost everyone is now trying to get a
hold of public records so online producers will make sure they can meet this
majority demand. Photos, videos and audio records will stay in the entertainment
business and whoever wants to be entertained will be seeking for these media, these
common interests you have with a friend may connect you both in one page.

These time if you reconnect with someone stay in touch at least long enough to get
more details about him/her so if you need to search him again it will be easier.
Whatever Web you are using for your search, you have to be exact in the information
you want to acquire. Supplemental details always help

Web Site: http://addresses.com

Contact Details: Ava Iverson

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